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The BLF is always seeking new ways to create opportunities for schools, writers, readers and young adults through the sponsorship of prizes, workshops, mentorship and skills labs. If you would like to be the title sponsor of a specific Bocas Lit Fest initiative, we invite you to tell us more and we could work out how to deliver your pet project where it will have the most impact and bring about change. We can take you through the development and administration of BLF projects, which are typically 3-year commitments in order to maximize the impact. If you would like to be the title sponsor of a Bocas Lit Fest literary development initiative, please click here to provide us with more information.
Click here for more information.
In 2021, the Bocas Lit Fest will launch an Endowment Fund capitalised by donations from supporters who wish to contribute to the future sustainability of the NGO. It will be established as a trust that will be independently and prudently managed to generate project income for generations to come while keeping the principal value intact. The fund is the perfect opportunity for patrons or philanthropists who wish to will or contribute significant funds to support the work of the BLF as an institution.